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Education is the first step

Farmers education

Our beloved Mr. Gour Mohan Parui, Agriexpert and CEO of Sonali Organic & AgroChem is well known face in Southern part of West Bengal. It is difficult for rural farmers to stay updated with informations related to scientific organic Agriculture. To spread the knowledge, he goes to different rural areas and gives free agri extension services with an hope to preach the benefits of switching from Chemical to Organic farming and aiming for a chemical free Indian agriculture. We host regularly lectures which are free to attend and open for anyone who is interested. The video is about Benefits of organic insecticides Kattappa as explained by Mr. Parui.

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Our beloved Mr. Gour Mohan Parui, Agriexpert and CEO of Sonali Organic & AgroChem is well known face in Southern part of West Bengal. It is difficult for rural farmers to stay updated with informations related to scientific organic Agriculture. To spread the knowledge, he goes to different rural areas and gives free agri extension services with an hope to preach the benefits of switching from Chemical to Organic farming and aiming for a chemical free Indian agriculture. We host regularly lectures which are free to attend and open for anyone who is interested. The video is about Benefits of organic insecticides Kattappa as explained by Mr. Parui.